We’ve pulled together five quotes guaranteed to make you SWOON–and then run to grab the book. If you’re looking for love and swoons or a positive outlook on the mundane, these books have you covered!
These are all adult novels with explicit content.
1- Laura Thalassa - The Fallen World
I'm a recovering monster that cares about another soulless creature.

2- By Fate I Conquer - Cora Riley
Love can be as destructive as hatred.

3- The Spider's Mate - Tiffany Roberts
You are the heart that beats outside my chest.

4- Vipers & Virtuosos - Sav R. Miller
I happen to like that my home has a heartbeat.

5- The Beast - Katee Robert
Monsters are more effective than princes when it comes to keeping what you care about safe.

The Beast, book four in the Wicked Villains series, Katee Robert
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